Tuitions and Fees

Try Us Out!

Daycare $99/Week!

$99.00/week or $400/month, plus registration
Preschool & Afterschool Programs Starting 8/19/2024
For the first 4 weeks or the first month.

Offer expires 12/31/2024

Save up to $211/week or $800 / month.

No Contract! No Risk!

Brandermill Daycare
2024 - 2025

  1. Registration & Annual Administration Fees

    a) All new and discontinued students are charged a one-time fee of $100.00/student at registration for the balance of the current year.
    b) In August - September of each year, all students are charged $100.00 for annual administration and material fees.

  2. Daycare & Preschool Tuitions: Full Day Programs Offered

    a) Full Day Daycare (2 yrs)

    Weekly - $310.00

    Monthly - $1,240.00

    b) Full Day Preschool (3 - 5 yrs)

    Weekly - $310.00

    Monthly - $1,240.00

    • Full day Matheus Preschool Program runs from 7AM to 6PM, Monday through Friday

    • Meals served: Breakfast is served but optional; catered hot lunch, and morning and afternoon snacks are included in tuition

  3. Before & After School Tuition: Full Day Services Included

    Elementary (5 - 12 yrs)

    Weekly - $150.00

    Monthly - $600.00

    • Free drop off to and pick up from serviced local elementary schools

    • Breakfast and afternoon meals included in tuition

    • Full day service included in tuition for Non-Civic Holidays, PD days, and other scheduled school closures (parents must drop off the student between 7AM and 9AM and picked up by 6PM).

  4. Tutoring Service Fees

    Monthly - $300

    Students come twice per week for 1 hour.
    Student must come at their scheduled time, and prompt pick up after service is required.
    Late pick-up fee of $5 per 20 minutes apply after scheduled tutoring time.

  5. 2025 Summer Camp Program Tuition: Full Day from 7AM - 6PM

    Weekly - $310.00

    • Includes all meals, extracurricular activities, trips, and other incidental fees

    • Free math and language tutoring services included

  6. General Fee Policies: No Contract, No Hidden Fees, One Price

    a) Tuition is for membership to Matheus Academy Program calculated at an annual rate and shown in weekly or monthly amounts.
    b)Tuition must be set up for automatic payments using credit or debit cards (Visa, Mastercard, or AMEX). A discount of $10 per transaction is applied for automatic payment using ACH (checking account).
    c) All memberships are renewed at will by both parties at a weekly or monthly schedule; no contract.
    d) Free weeks, credits, or refunds are not awarded for any absences, holidays, or emergency closures.
    e) Absences greater than 1 week will require reregistration and associated fees. Replacement is not guaranteed.
    f) We are closed on all Major Civic Holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, & New Year’s Eve (Only 8 days / year).
    g) There are no hidden fees. Registration and tuition payments include all fees. We do not charge holiday fees, extracurricular fees, outing fees, and other “hidden” charges. Everything is presented and due up-front, no surprises.

  7. Grand Opening Discounts - Limited time offer from August 19th, 2024

    a) First 4 weeks or 1st month - $99.00/week (Save $211/week) or $400/month (Save $800/month), no contract required

    • Thereafter regular price applies

    • Discount is limited to available open spots

  8. 2024 New Student Referral Discounts Program: Total of $200 credit available for each new student enrolled

    a) $100.00 for each referred student credit upon enrollment
    b) $100.00 for the referring parent tuition credit per student enrolled

    c) Referral information must be provided at the time of registration with the name of referring parent

  9. We do not offer sibling & family discounts

Class size is limited.
Contact us to reserve your spot!